Reserve Savings

How Your Annual Budget Affects Your Reserve Savings

By April 23, 2022February 7th, 2025No Comments

Your annual budget determines your reserve savings. The savings amount budgeted should be based upon the reserve study. You should be at least saving the amount listed in the “Per Unit Monthly” column of your reserve study. If the reserve study indicates $173.63 Per Unit Monthly, then your budget should reflect that amount, as a minimum.

For example, in the example below, the annual budget suggest that reserve allocations form each owner plus interest from reserve savings indicates a monthly savings rate to reserves of $178.19.


Annual Budget Reserve Allocation Calculation
Executive Summary Title LineIf the Reserve study indicates a minimum of $173.63 Per Unit Monthly, and the HOA is saving $178.19, then the HOA is saving above the minimum amount necessary to keep the reserve funding on track going forward. That increased savings rate will increase the percent funding over time.

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