Totally new layout! Almost all decisions can be made by looking at the Executive Summary.
You no longer have to look through pages and pages of the reserve study to find what you are looking for. There are 13 columns on one page.
Organized by “Remaining Life” which allows boards to see which projects need immediate attention. Note that remaining life years goes down to zero.
New “Catch Up Per Month Per Unit” to allow boards to see exactly how much they need to increase reserve savings by to meet immediate needs.
Each Reserve Study comes complete with two different Reserve Study Outcomes
Inside your Reserve study, there are two different reserve study outcomes based on 2 different inflation rates:
a. Reserve Study with Inflation at 0%
b. Reserve Study with Inflation at 3% (or whatever percentage chosen by board).
In the example below: The Current Funding percentage is based on 0% inflation AND Ideal Reserve Savings based on Full Funding or 100% funding level.